Small Penis Humilation Video & Pictures

For this request the customer is looking for producers or models who can create exclusive small penis humiliation content. The customer is looking for 1 video 15+ minutes and 25-50 pictures, if possible, if there is a huge price difference to produce pictures as well they may not be required.

Videos should be in either HD or 4K. Models need to speak English. The customer will provide a small script if you or your models are approved.

Shoot Requirements:

The scene can contain any of the following sexual acts: hardcore sex, blowjob or hand job. Whatever the sexual act the scene will begin with the female making fun of the guy’s penis size as he plays with it. She will continue to humiliate him for his penis size throughout the video even during the sexual act.

Model Requirements:

Male models must have a small penis no larger than 10 inches. Female models can be between the ages of 18-40. The customer will also consider all body types so all are welcome to apply or be submitted.

The customer is asking for quotes on this project.

Other shoot requirements are a signed model release and ID along with a picture of the model holding her ID next to her face.

If this is something you can and would like to produce, please email Dan your available models or pictures of yourself if you are the model.

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